Welcome to KatieMomChamp.com
This is the blog of Katie Redmond, she is an Individual, a Parent, a Wife, a Hair Stylist & Colorist, and both a Kick-Boxing Regional Champ and Boxing Champion!
The purpose of this website is to inspire, motivate and mobilize all the parents of the world to continue to be good and unique role models to their children, while also being able to maintain and balance their individual goals and careers. This sounds easy, but for many parents this can become challenging.
As a parent, my number one priority is raising my children in a loving and caring environment. This requires a good amount of time and energy, especially when you have 4 children. When your time and attention are focused intently on a subject (or in my case 4 individual subjects) it is easy to forget about other important aspects of your life. If these other aspects (work, love, hobbies, just to name a few examples) are left unattended for too long, this ultimately could have an adverse effect on the quality of one's life. What happens when a person is not motivated to work, or remain physically and mentally fit, or what happens when a person quits a creative hobby which helped them express their creativity and emotions? Without proper balance in one's life, the path which one travels upon becomes more treacherous. I do not pretend to have all the answers. Life is like a work of art "in progress", as we all continue to grow with each day. Therefore, this website and blog will serve as a tool that will allow us to grow together and maintain the balance.
Follow me on my journey as I strive to maintain the balance of my life. Topics you will find in my blog will cover the trials and tribulations of raising kids, physical fitness, psychological fitness, nutrition and more. It is my hope that my blog will help uplift and motivate others. '