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You are exactly where you are meant to be! That is the truth, you can either decide to embrace that or fight it. But the truth is we are not really the ones in control. We plan and we strive but ultimately we HAVE to trust the journey and for me I trust in God with all my heart! Whatever it is, believe in something. Believe that the only thing we CAN control is how we react to the circumstances and people in our life and it doesn't always run smoothly over the course, but then again you already knew that!
I must say January started off pretty strong for me with winning a kickboxing match on January 9th! It was a pretty awesome feeling to start the New Year off strong! Even though 2 days later I ended up with a blood clot. I am going to include my article I wrote mostly for awareness!!!! I am here to tell you to never give up on your dreams as an individual, a wife, mother, employee etc. Whatever you are to others and whoever you are to yourself...NEVER forget about you!!! Do not push yourself aside. We do that too often through out the days of the week and the months for everyone else around us.
Kickboxing is my passion , my outlet...what is yours?????? Embrace it and yell it until you feel that voice gets heard by your soul. When YOUR tank is filled, and you can continue to fill up others with an internal energy!