Saturday, 16 January 2021 14:08

Indoor Illinois Winter Projects to Help Keep Kids Entertained and Busy

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 I do not know where most of you live, but here in Illinois it has been a boring winter. I am not one for the cold, but if it IS going to be winter I at least wish it IMG 2398would snow more for a little change of scenery and fun!!!

At least if there's enough snow we could go out and play in the snow, go sledding and ice skating. My poor kids are stuck inside most of the time now and I have to admit I find myself getting antsy too. Our rule in the house is not to run, and in the same breath I find myself having obstacle course races,  playing tag in our family room, play fighting and then we all end up getting yelled at by my husband because we are usually too loud when he is on a work call hahaha. Aside from our workouts we get from my Instructor at Seong Hea's Martial Arts Academy, I have to be VERY creative in getting their energy out and keep their mind busy when we are not in E-Leaning school. 

The first project I want mention was on New Years which you will see in our video down below. It was kind of a transformation project I did with the boxes I used for our game we played on Thanksgiving, the punch wall! I feel like it took so much effort I was determined to get one more use out of it haha. I turned the boxes into a game where you stick your hand in the back and have to guess what you are touching without seeing it. I ended up blindfolding them because my kids are a bunch of cheaters and tried looking through the hole to see what it was HA! ( Sadly, I would have totally done the same thing)

IMG 2426The second thing I want to include is this fairy phase we are going through and when I say "we" I mean both me and my daughter are really into them! There is something about the softness of the lighting and the magical twinkle in these projects that we really loved. The first thing we did was a fairy jar and now that sits as her night light next to her bed. That was fun to make! The second awesome project we did was a fairy garden. We actually got to plant our own seeds and at first I am like GREAT! I can not even keep a fake plant alive. I can never get ANYTHING to grow from Chia pets to flowers. So imagine our surprise in literally a few days these seeds were sprouting up and now Brooklyn is giving it its first haircut!!! This was probably one of our favorite projects we have done in a long time and super easy! The last fairy touch we did was buy lights for her bedroom! I don't know about you, but I think I may have to get some for my bed! They make her room look SO cozy and inviting!!!!IMG 4675

IMG 3802The third thing I really wanted to mention was these Lego blocks that Santa brought Dante when he was 6. Dante is now 8
and he LOVES these blocks just as much as he did the day he got them. He has spent hours and hours creating so many different things from robots, to walls, ball pit, forts, cars, ramps, tables, desks, jails, 2 story houses. I could go on and on. I would say the ONLY downside to these blocks is they are hard to neatly store in your house. They take up a bit of room. But the creativity with these blocks for ALL 3 of my kids are limitless! It is  IMG 2439truly amazing to see what they come up with. I would say this has been hands down the most played with gift he has ever gotten.

IMG 1916 2The last project is this cute Valentine craft I found on Pinterest awhile back. We made these for my parents as Grandparent gifts and the kids had tons of fun creating them!!!!! We LOVE to paint (accept that one time my husband and I woke up to Dante and Brooklyn "Dance Painting" in our kitchen! .....I am speechless until this day. That did not end well hahaha).IMG 1903

Here are a few more things that my kids of all different ages (eight, five and three) have really enjoyed doing! Some of the photos are down below in my gallery.

  • Create your own soap
  • Rock painting collection
  • Paint your own socks craft
  • Tie-dye
  • Make up your own story about your name and what you like(We based ours off of ...."When you Give a Mouse A Cookie") Which you can also see included in my video below.
  • Homemade waffles 

Here is to all you Mama's doing it!!!! Motherhood, especially in these winter months and if you are still E-learning like we are!!!! And if sitting in front of the TV is your choice of "craft" for the deserve it!!!!! Go and enjoy and keep your head up in these dreary winter months!!!!! We got this!!!

Always Thankful, Katie

Please always feel free to comment and subscribe below!!!!!!!




 "Creativity is intelligence having fun"

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul"

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun"

Read 11987 times Last modified on Friday, 29 January 2021 08:32

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