Tuesday, 03 November 2020 14:39

How can we Stay Mentally and Physically Fit During this Pandemic?

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How can we stay mentally and physically fit during this pandemic? I wrote this article before most of my family had gotten COVID about 3 weeks ago. I still IMG 9022 2believe in all the things I wrote in this article prior to actually having gone through it.

There definitely have been some positive things happening within this time period. The time we have gotten to spend together as a family, all the homemade projects we have been able to do and create , and more time to actually just play with my kids have been the highlights. I have been trying to make the best of it all while trying not to let myself go to the way side. With having to give SO much extra energy to my 3 kids with e-learning and everything else, we MUST remember to re-energize ourselves especially as moms. It would be so easy to throw the towel in and say screw it...what's the point right now? I'll catch up with myself eventually. The problem is sometimes "eventually" never happens.

IMG 7528We all need that release. We all need to feel good! What is your release? Find it, hold on to it and indulge in it as much as you can right now! There are a few things that come to my mind that give me peace. Praying, reading, writing, doing my hair, painting, coloring, crafting, scrap booking are just a few of my favorites. My major release is working out. Working out may not be yours, and that is OK! It doesn't have to be, but it is a scientific fact that when we do move our bodies it releases endorphins that make us feel better! But I am here to support and encourage whatever it is that makes you feel more relaxed and at peace.

I have not been to an actual gym in over 8 years. I use to be an avid gym addict for many years. Now I either workout at home, go to a park or find a hill to run. My main place to go train is at Seong Hea's Martial Arts in Buffalo Grove with World Champion Tommy Bach for kickboxing/boxing and taekwondo. 

IMG 0934For an alternative at times, my husband and I will go to one of our best friend's Gym in Wauconda Il, Striking Arts Academy when no one is there. Sometimes it is great to be able to zone out and not worry about the virus and being around other people. I am able to let my anxiety go 100 percent and just get lost in my workout. I put together some clips of rounds I do in my workouts to share with you guys. (Please be kind with my lack of video skills, I am no videographer!!!! lol) These are cut short, I am certain I would bore most of you by letting the full 2-3 minutes be recorded. Although, that is the normal time I will do these rounds. I will do a minimal of fifteen rounds that are 2 -3 minutes each with a 15 second rest in between. I have a round timer app on my phone for when I am not at the actual dojo to keep track of rounds. I like to train my body that way so it is very comfortable when it is "game time" in the ring again. It is also a great interval workout and I feel it makes the time go by faster.

 Don't give up on yourself!!!! Trust me there are days I have to self talk myself into getting up and get moving as well.There are IMG 0941days I have to tell myself that it is Ok to let the kids make messes with one of our fun projects! We often worry so much about what is ahead and keep our shoulders shrugged in stress. We forget to live in the moment, relax our shoulders and let the weight of the world drop off of them, stop worrying and live in the now. I even have a tattoo with three "L's" down my back reminding me to...Let the past go, Live in the present, Look forward to the future. Find your peace!!! Find what ever lets you release your anxiety, stress, worry, etc and remember to just breathe and take a few deep breaths.

P.S. I have many more ideas of indoor and outdoor workout ideas that I will keep sharing! We will power through this! 

"There is not enough room in our hearts for faith and fear, always pick faith!"

"If you worked out when you first thought about it, you'd be done by now"

"We beat up our bodies to save our souls and some how that makes sense"

 Please reach out with any questions and subscribe to my newsletter down below

 Always Thankful, Katie


Read 3642 times Last modified on Sunday, 29 November 2020 17:52

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