Tuesday, 01 September 2020 11:31

How Can We Find Time To Workout With Kids

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IMG 7012I have been pregnant three times and my kids have always been apart of my active life style, even before they were born! For us, it is not an option. Do we have time? NO! Nobody ever has the time! We make time. We make it part of our daily routines just as important as eating, sleeping and breathing. They do not know our lives without it. From the moment I was given the "ok" by my doctors to resume activity after my c-sections (yes, I had three c-sections) I made myself get back on track with baby steps.

My first born Dante was super colicky and he wouldn't nap or sleep. I was on the verge of loosing my mind. That time was one of the most difficult times I have ever had. One day when he was screaming I just sat there feeling lost and helpless. Finally I thought...ok, we are going to do this! So I put him in my baby Bjorn baby carrier and started walking with him up and down my stairs. Then I started doing squats with him, and all of a sudden that became our routine. It was a win win because half the time it was the ONLY time he would sleep and I IMG 4121could re center myself. I put my music in my ears and made a decision, that I was not going to use having children as an excuse to give up on my self care. We got moving and we didn't stop!  I was Boosting those endorphins and shedding post partum anxiety and baby weight. I was beginning to feel like more myself every day. Off we went and I never looked back with one single excuse not to get it done.

 Once Dante outgrew the Bjorn, then came the stroller.  I started with a Graco jogging stroller but I quickly learned about the "BOB" and let me tell you, I have gotten every single penny worth out of it. I own a double BOB jogging stroller and a single one and I would recommend this BOB to anyone! They have been worth every cent we paid for it! Dante was in this BOB until he was five, Brooklyn STILL rides in it at age five with Dominick who is three when we go long distance. From running, walking, pushing it on gravel to pushing it up a hill it has been amazing!

Then Dante moved onto a bike, running with me, doing Tony Horton's P90X3, weights etc.  I just do my best to encourage and include them when I can! I have brought my kids with me to watch me at my kickboxing and taekwondo classes, but I do not push the sport I love on them. I honestly think they can't help to love it because they see the passion I have for it. They love all kinds of activities and sports do not always workout with me, which allows me to re charge on my own as well.  My daughter did decide she wanted to take taekwondo and loves to go with me once a week. It is one of the very few sports we could actually do together and it is just so special to both of us. We have "GIRLS DAY" and re group our energy to handle her brother and their friends!! haha Just as I did growing up in a family with brothers and THEIR friends. I get to know her on a different level with one on one time. She is my mini me and I couldn't be more proud!

As you can see I have ALWAYS  encouraged movement which excels confidence. I think we all know the physical effects working out does for us, but especially mentally in todays day and age with kids and adults and now MOMS need it more than ever! Working out is my drug of choice. For me it is more mental. I want to pass that onto my children whatever it is that they find and love. I can tell a HUGE difference in our day when we are active!  





Read 4108 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 September 2020 20:51

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