Wednesday, 23 September 2020 15:40

What Super Hero Would You Be?

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 What super hero would you be? More importantly what super power would you have???? Personally, I would like to be invisible so I can go anywhere I IMG 0119 2want without people knowing I am there! Who hasn't thought about that question?!

Here are super powers my children and I discussed today! We were talking about Covid and how we are trying our very best to prevent it. I tried to put a spin on it to make it a little more fun to learn and understand. I told them that covid is the invisible villian! The enemy, the bad guy! WE are the super heros! I asked them what super hero they wanted to be to fight off this villain and what super powers they wanted!

I started off and told them of a couple my super powers- that I take my vitamins everyday and workout! They said, "wash your hands, wash your face, do not touch your face, wear a mask, pray, use hand sanitzer, social distance" etc! I got really excited and was like YES!!! And you know what? That villain is going to keep trying to attack us but we are going to put up our BEST defense powers so it does not win! IMG 0010 2

After school Brooklyn grabs some oranges and you can see her enthusiasm in the video below!!!!!!

I am going to list some top foods with the highest amount of Vitamin C and immune boosting properties. I will also link some of  my vitamins I take with Vitamin C that also has Zinc. I have an additional Vitamin D that I take. My doctor told me Vitamin D is one of the vitamins most Americans are lacking and although I LOVE to soak up the sun, I know it is not always the best thing either!  All of these are VERY important to combine for the immune system!!!! Probiotics are an important piece of the puzzle in keeping our immune system healthy. I am going to link the ones that was recommended to me by Lurie's Children Hospital.

We also order these immune boosting shots of ginger and turmeric and black pepper from the company Raw which is super convenient. It may seem a little expensive, but I would rather spend the money and time now to invest in my health, instead of on medicine and medical bills!!!!

P.S. PLEASE do NOT forget to drink your water!!!!  The key is to drink before you are thirsty. Here's a little tip....add some pineapple, oranges, strawberry's, cucumber to it!!!! When you drink your Green Tea, you are also getting your water intake. (I like to think coffee does the same thing, hahaha)

 TOP VITAMIN C FOODS- Bell Peppers-sweet peppers-ginger-Sunflower seeds-Broccoli-cabbage-grapefruit-guava-kale-honey-kiwi-lemons-oranges-almonds-green tea-sweet potatoes-potatoes-peas-spinach-strawberries-tomatoes-turmeric-mangos 


Read 4225 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 December 2020 21:24

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