
Blog (64)

 Before you read this, can you think of any ideas on how Yoga can transfer over to other sports and into our everyday lives? I truthfully never really knew
how MUCH it could.
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Thursday, 15 October 2020 17:58

Cinnamon Spice and Sometimes Not so Nice

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Lets start with the "sometimes not so nice!" Being a mom to a little girl whose 5, a step mom to a daughter whose 17,  and an Aunt to a 7 year old little girl. I am very careful on how I talk about my body and may goals, especially because I am an avid workout girl who loves her nutrition. IMG 8563

Monday, 12 October 2020 22:36

Kids and Castles

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Be active, be present, be aware. Trust me it is so much easier and calmer when my kids use their iPads or are in front of the TV,  but that's not how we role for long!IMG 6627

IMG 6077 Crafting with crates and a raining day! OH MY!!!. This is what I get for going out for the first time to actual store since Covid started.

Friday, 09 October 2020 12:55

Look Like a Beauty and Train like a Beast

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WHY? Because it is what I love to do,IMG 6500 2

Friday, 02 October 2020 23:37

Stop and SPREAD the Roses

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IMG 4158The other day my little guy Dominick stopped on our walk. I must admit, I was in a bit of a hurry to get back home that day. I kept thinking about all the stuff I had to get done.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020 18:32

What Motivates Your Kids?

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IMG 6149What motivates your kids? What drives them the most? Our kids are ages two, five and seven. If we bought our kids everything they asked for on an hourly basis, I'm pretty sure we would be broke hahah. Our kids are mostly driven by money, presents and sugar!!!! But then again, who isn't hahah. 

Sunday, 27 September 2020 18:52

Seong Hea's Martial Art's Academy

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This, this right here, this hug right after the final bell rang in my fight was a symbol of someone who believed in me. It was a moment we both knew all our hard work paid off. It is my trainer telling me "great job" without saying a word.IMG 2503

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