Displaying items by tag: cold

 I do not know where most of you live, but here in Illinois it has been a boring winter. I am not one for the cold, but if it IS going to be winter I at least wish it would snow more for a little change of scenery and fun!!!IMG 2398

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Friday, 04 September 2020 23:42

Why Green Tea? Why Not!

I am not even sure there is enough space here to write about the benefits and excitement about green tea!IMG 0807 2

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    Crafts are a major thing in my house, before COVID hit I would just browse Micheals Crafts. Not only do I love that store I love the smell of it haha. It is the ONLY store if I forget something,  I am more than happy to turn around and go back!

   Finding crafts to do with each of my kids as they get older and are different ages can be a bit challenging but when I do come across a winner that all 3 enjoy including myself,  it is a super bonus!!60531488283 5BFC5C8B 3DF5 4C5B 9DD3 310438ADCFA9

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