Displaying items by tag: crafts
Keep Your kids Busy with This Home Made Play-Doh and fun Balloon Game Video included in my Article
"Old school" and New school projects to do at home
How can we Stay Mentally and Physically Fit During this Pandemic?
Crafty Crates From Micheals Crafts For Play Rooms, Organization, Dog Toys, Garages and Everything In-between
When Plaid Meets Red Lips, You Embrace It
A Craft For All Ages That Helps Expand Their Creativity and Appreciation For what they Made Themselves
Crafts are a major thing in my house, before COVID hit I would just browse Micheals Crafts. Not only do I love that store I love the smell of it haha. It is the ONLY store if I forget something, I am more than happy to turn around and go back!
Finding crafts to do with each of my kids as they get older and are different ages can be a bit challenging but when I do come across a winner that all 3 enjoy including myself, it is a super bonus!!