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You are exactly where you are meant to be! That is the truth, you can either decide to embrace that or fight it. But the truth is we are not really the ones in control. We plan and we strive but ultimately we HAVE to trust the journey and for me I trust in God with all my heart! Whatever it is, believe in something. Believe that the only thing we CAN control is how we react to the circumstances and people in our life and it doesn't always run smoothly over the course, but then again you already knew that!
Keep Your kids Busy with This Home Made Play-Doh and fun Balloon Game Video included in my Article
Written by KatieMomChampCarbs, Fiber, Protein, Coolwhip OH MY!!!!!!!! How to Choose Healthy Meals Throughout the Day to Stay on Track
Written by KatieMomChampI Was in it to win, with an Unknown Blood Clot and All!!! AWARENESS IS KEY!
Written by KatieMomChampMore...
Indoor Illinois Winter Projects to Help Keep Kids Entertained and Busy
Written by KatieMomChamp- cratfs
- creative
- Kids
- momofthree
- projects
- michealscrafts
- stimulating
- play
- winter
- illinois
- cold
- nosnow
- indoorcrafts
- indoorprojects
- games
- eightyearold
- fiveyearold
- threeyearold
- Valentinesdaygifts
- Leggos
- fairies
- books
- energy
- productive
- entertain
- Chicago
- weather
- coldweather
- seongheasmartialarts
- exercise
- activity